An estimated 1 in 10 US adults report feeling depressed. Untreated Depression can lead to a variety of problems including relationship problems, workplace problems, and an increased likelihood of the depressed person engaging in risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse. As a depression therapist, I can understand why you may be concerned for your loved one.
If you have a loved one suffering from depression, it’s hard to know what to say. I’m sure there have been plenty of times when you said the wrong thing. And with the severity of depression, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time could have a devastating impact on the one you love.
Below are some guidelines for knowing what to say (and what not to say) to a loved one with depression.
Remember for all of these guidelines, the simple rule in talking to someone with depression is to keep the focus on them and not you. While their depression certainly does impact you, their depression is not about you. Talking about how you are impacted by your loved one’s depression will not help alleviate the depression.
Try saying: “You’re not alone” or “I can’t really understand what you are going through, but I’m here to listen if you need to talk.”
Avoid saying: “There’s always someone worse off than you are.” or “Believe me, I know how you feel. I was depressed once for several days.”
Try saying: “You are important to me. I’m not going to leave you or abandon you.”
Avoid saying: “No one ever said that life is fair.” or “I think your depression is a way of punishing me.”
At the same time you don’t want to push your loved one too hard into seeking help. You’re more likely going to drive a wedge between you and your loved one if they are not ready to seek help yet on their own.
Try saying: “Do you want a hug?” or “I’m sorry that you’re in so much pain. I’m here for you.”
Avoid saying: “Stop feeling sorry for yourself” or “Have you tried taking a relaxing bath?”
While it may not be something you can physically touch or directly observe people who are depressed are genuinely not feeling well. Depression can have physical symptoms that are observable, but not all people who are depressed experience physical symptoms. You want your loved one to know that you believe that they are depressed.
Try saying: “You’re not going crazy.”
Avoid saying: “Aren’t you always depressed?”
Depression doesn’t have to be forever. A depressed person can get help and start feeling better. Depression is something that one can survive through.
Try saying: “When all this is over, I’ll still be here and so will you.”
Avoid saying: “Try not to be so depressed.” or “It’s your own fault.”
If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, give us a call. Our depression therapist can help you feel better and start enjoying life once again.
While depression and anxiety are two very separate mental health issues, they often go hand in hand with one another. They fuel one another: anxiety can lead to depression; depression can lead to anxiety. When these two play off one another it can feel debilitating for the individual struggling with these ailments. In this article we will look at how these conditions play on one another and how to get treatment for them.
It has been estimated that about half the people struggling with either depression or anxiety have both conditions at the same time. For each person experiencing this the cause can be different. Some individuals struggle with both disorders simultaneously, others have one condition trigger the other. For example, if you are struggling with anxiety and worry is preventing you from completing needed tasks or being productive, this can easily lead to negative thoughts and feelings of hopelessness about your situation. In this instance, over tie your anxiety can lead to depression.
Here are some signs you may be suffering from both:
Everyone experiences mental health concerns differently. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it may be time to check in with your doctor and get help. Early intervention is the best way to ensure these concerns do not begin to interfere significantly with your every day functioning.
Anxiety and depression are both very treatable forms of mental illness. With medication, therapy, and other forms of intervention, you can overcome your symptoms and begin to feel like yourself again. Whether you struggle with depression, anxiety or both simultaneously, a qualified therapist can help you begin to regain your life. A therapist will help you to: identify symptoms, triggers, and learn healthy ways of coping. With time, practice and some self-exploration therapy can help you to begin to live a life that you enjoy living. If you need help, please feel free to contact our office for a consultation and more information on how we an assist you.
Keep Shining,