Post-Car Accident Anxiety and/or PTSD

Reclaim Your Life After a Car Accident - Break Free from Anxiety!

Has a car accident left you struggling with overwhelming anxiety? The aftermath of such a traumatic event can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. If you're dealing with:

  1. Avoidant Behavior: Constantly trying to avoid situations that remind you of the accident, such as driving, or shying away from discussions and activities associated with a lost loved one.
  2. Extreme Mood Changes: Suffering from persistent mood swings and sadness that just won't fade away, signaling a possible case of PTSD.
  3. Detachment: Feeling emotionally distant from loved ones, losing interest in once-beloved activities, and experiencing extreme loneliness.
  4. Flashbacks: Being haunted by intrusive, distressing memories of the accident that can trigger anxiety or depression, making it hard to engage in everyday activities.
  5. Frustration: Struggling with overwhelming frustration and anger, whether it's about the accident itself or the mounting medical bills and financial strain.

You may have developed PTSD in response to the accident and would benefit from Anxiety Treatment

road leading through the woods with light shining through. EMDR treatment for anxiety following auto accident in New York State. Online EMDR therapy New York.

Living with post-car accident anxiety can be like carrying a heavy burden. It's as if every aspect of your life is overshadowed by the traumatic event. Avoidance behaviors can limit your freedom and isolate you from the world. Extreme mood changes and detachment from loved ones can leave you feeling like a stranger in your own life. Flashbacks can transport you back to the terrifying moment, robbing you of peace and joy. And the frustration and anger can become all-consuming, adding to your distress.

Imagine a life where you:

  • Face your fears and travel confidently on the road, free from anxiety.
  • Cherish the memories of your loved one and participate in activities they enjoyed.
  • Find emotional balance and regain your connection with loved ones.
  • Say goodbye to distressing flashbacks and reclaim your life with ease.
  • Manage your frustrations constructively and regain control of your finances.

What Treatments are Most Effective in Dealing with PTSD after a Car Accident?

At Long Island EMDR, we specialize in evidence-based therapies, including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), designed to help you overcome post-car accident anxiety. Our experienced therapists offer EMDR intensives, allowing for more rapid results and flexible scheduling to accommodate your busy life.

Our brain likes to "code" things. If we experience trauma our brain codes that experience and all things associated with it as threats. There are some problems with this coding though. For example, let's say you were hit by a blue car. Now every time you see a blue car, you get muscle tightness, and begin experiencing anxiety- but blue cars in and of themselves are not threats. EMDR takes the traumatic event stored in the "emotional" part of our brains and assists in making connecting with the "logical" reasoning part of our brain. This way the memory is stored more accurately and we do not experience the physical anxiety symptoms that occur when the memory is stored and processed inaccurately.

How to Start Treatment for PTSD Post-Car Accident in Suffolk County, NY?

beautiful sky as a backdrop to a winding road. Online EMDR therapy New York.

Don't let the trauma of a car accident continue to control your life. You have the power to heal and thrive once more. Reach out to us for a consultation, and let's begin your journey toward a life free from anxiety and PTSD. You deserve to live without fear and embrace the peace and joy that awaits you. Take that courageous step towards recovery today.

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