Do you have a child who is questioning their own sexual or gender identity? Or are you just curious to learn more about what LGBTQ+ means and how it may impact your child? Whatever the case may be, you ended up here for a reason! Here I will do my best to provide information, advice, support, and maybe you will even get something out of this post that will help you in your life and relationships. We will explore the risks, the coming out process, stereotypes and stigmas regarding the LGBTQ+, as well as some of the things you may experience as parents.
It unfortunately goes without saying that children or teens that start expressing their own sexuality or gender, which may be out of the norm, will get weird looks, rude comments, or even just a slight double-take from someone walking by. Therefore, it goes without saying that yes your child may experience some discrimination or bullying from their peers at school or just from random strangers at the supermarket. Here are some quick facts of some of the risks:
However, times are changing and the opinions of others are also changing. As a parent, you want to protect your child from all the different dangers that your child may run into; although that is not always going to be possible!
UGHHH let me tell you, this was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done for myself. And yes, that is correct. I did it for myself. I didn’t do it for the acceptance of others, for others to view me differently, or even just for people to know that one thing about me. I did it for myself because it is something that can be so freeing and such a relief for that kid who’s stayed in the “closet” for so long. As parents, here is my message to you: Your child is absolutely frightened by how you will respond, how you will react, and worst of all if you would still love them for who they really are. There is so much going through their heads that they may not even understand, so for someone with authority like yours, for someone who has been with them since day 0, they are only hoping for support.
It may be helpful to support your child with their journey to finding out their own identity. As parents, you can be the ones providing the information for your child with the security of it being accurate. There are a few stages to coming out, though primarily the stages of self-discovery, coming out, as well as positive self-identity do have a major impact on the everlasting impact on your child. You can read more about the stages of coming out here: The Stages of Coming Out.
As parents who just discovered or found out their child identifies as part of LGBT+, there may be a few different emotions and stages you go through yourself. This is just like any other transition in the family, it is something that is obviously going to cause some shock or take back. Below are some of the stages you may experience as parents, but remember you may not even experience any of these!
There is so much more that can be said within this guide. Always try to be the supportive, kind, gentle parent that you intended to be when your child was born. This Fall, Long Island EMDR will be hosting a support group for parents with LGBT+ youth. Throughout this group, you will be able to garner support from other parents, gain knowledge on LGBT+, as well as learn how to best support your child on their journey.
Historically, LGBT2SQIA+ couples and families have been excluded from the image of relationships, family, and marriage. This leaves our community to look within ourselves for help when it comes to addressing queer issues, raising queer families, navigating relational issues, and identity/sexuality challenges that our non LGBT2SQIA+ counterparts face. We are LGBT affirming therapists providing LGBT Therapy in Smithtown NY.
-Needing help finding community
-Coming out (yourself or your partner)
-Starting to date or currently dating
-Having a past or current history of unsupportive family members, friends, or loved ones
-Needing support along your gender and/or sexuality journey
-A change in one’s identity/sexuality
-Leaving or having experienced gay conversion therapy
Together we will look at where you are in your journey and map out your areas of strength. We will aim to build relationships that support your values and messages of positive self-worth and find answers that support your therapeutic goals, whether individually or as a couple.
As an LGBT therapist in Smithtown NY, we understand the ongoing stressors and fear of rejection the community faces continually. We are committed to helping clients of all genders, sexual identities, and expressions. All of our therapists are LGBTQIA affirming. It is always better to get started sooner than later. If you are looking for an experienced queer LGBT therapist who can walk you through what you are dealing with ask for Conor Ohland. Contact us today for LGBT Therapy in Smithtown NY.