Mental Health Tools Created For You

Long Island EMDR provides a safe space where clinicians are able to truly care for their patients.

5 Techniques to Work Through Flashbacks

Flashbacks are our brain’s way of processing traumatic events that we’ve experienced. Our subconscious taps into those important memories but they are not contained- meaning they tend to spill out everything related to the traumatic event. For many individuals, this experience can be just as terrifying as the initial event. Flashbacks usually happen without warning. […]

10 Ways to Improve Your Social Circle

Adult-ing can be really hard. One thing that makes it easier is having a healthy social circle of people you can rely on in times of stress. However, I often hear from clients how difficult it is to expand their social circle and increase their supports. After college or high school we kind of run out of the large pool of prospective individuals that we can potentially make into long lasting friendships. After school, we move away, have difficult schedules that don’t seem to match up or just end up with very different life stages or interests. So where do we go from here? Here are some ideas for working on strengthening and expanding your social-circle:

Socialization Effects on Mental Health

It’s a known fact that our species are social beings. We evolved by living in communities relying on one-another to help us meet our daily needs like: food, child-care, shelter, safety, and of course emotional well being. Nowadays though, that sense of community seems to have dissipated in our individualistic society. Life get’s busy, we […]

The Four Horsemen of Relationship Apocalypse

The first three minutes of a conflict have a direct relationship with the outcome of that conflict in particular, and the future success of that relationship in general (Schwartz- Gottman & Gottman, 2015). It can be very challenging to get our point across while also not becoming overly activated to the point where we shut down or start throwing metaphorically punches at the other person. This can be even more of a daunting task during an emotionally charged situation. Below are what Schwartz Gottman & Gottman refer to as the “Four Horseman of Relationship Apocalypse,” which can lead to resentment, fractured communication and feeling disconnected from your partner. The first two can be viewed as figurative “weapons” to put down our partner while the last two can be seen as symbolic “shields” to protect ourselves during an argument.

Managing Depression During a Worldwide Pandemic- Free Webinar

Long Island EMDR is proud to announce that Great Neck Library is hosting us for a free webinar for the public on depression in a pandemic! Our very own Alexandria Fairchild, LMSW will be presenting. The presentation will cover the following: "Depression is a debilitating illness. Those who struggle with depression are familiar with the well-meaning […]

How Depression & Anxiety Go Hand in Hand

While depression and anxiety are two very separate mental health issues, they often go hand in hand with one another. They fuel one another: anxiety can lead to depression; depression can lead to anxiety. When depression and anxiety play off one another it can feel debilitating for the individual struggling with these ailments. In this article we will look at how depression and anxiety play on one another and how to get treatment for them.

Teen Depression- 6 Signs to Look Out For

As parents we strive to keep our kids, safe, healthy and happy. We tire endlessly in this pursuit from the minute they’re born to when they leave the nest. From baby proofing, to being a personal chauffeur to their many activities; monitoring their online activity to trying to hide vegetables in their dinner- its a […]

Five 5-Minute Stress Busters

Stress in unavoidable. However, consistent practice of healthy coping skills can reduce the detrimental impact stress can have on your overall well-being. Here are five 5-minute stress busters; 5 simple things you can do in 5 minutes or less to reduce the negative impact of stress in your life.

What is Complicated Grief Therapy?

Grief is a normal response to mourning the loss of a significant attachment figure. However, some people experience complicated grief characterized by an intense, prolonged mourning period focused on unhelpful, painful thoughts, dysfunctional behaviors and difficulty regulating emotions. When someone struggles with complicated grief, unique therapeutic interventions are required to address it. Complicated Grief Therapy […]

Benefits of Raising Kids With a Connection to Nature

In todays society I feel many people, especially the younger generations are just completely absorbed in technology. They stare mindlessly into their smart phones, I-pad, laptop etc. and unfortunately miss the beauty that surrounds them. It can be a very humbling and awe inspiring experience when you realize the vastness of nature that surrounds you; even in midst of heavily trafficked suburban areas or on your drive to work, nature is pervasive.

Working through Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a defense mechanism many anxious people tend to struggle with. Many of our perfectionist clients struggle with the negative thoughts that they are not good enough unless they do everything 100% right 100&% of the time. Perfectionists tend to down play their accomplishments, have difficulty with minor changes in their desired outcome and […]

Anxiety Disorder- 3 Signs You May Have One

If you’ve never had anxiety yourself, or been close to someone who struggles with anxiety, it may be difficult to recognize the signs. Anxiety disorder is one of the more common mental illnesses in America effecting about 18.1% of the population.  There is a difference between general worry and stress- and an anxiety disorder. To those […]
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